Sagesse Nziavake

General director

Sagesse Nziavake is a national of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and holds a postgraduate diploma in Biodiversity Management and Sustainable Forest Management from the University of Kisangani (UNIKIS) since 2018. She has worked in the Yangambi landscape, in local community forest concessions (CFCL) in Bafwasende, Tshopo; and in Bas-Uélé, Mongala for several projects related to wildlife management and conservation, governance, community forestry, human and environmental rights, land use planning, sustainable agriculture, formalization of value chains, community development at Tropenbos RD Congo and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). She was a teacher at Savana international school and assistant/external collaborator at the Institut du bassin du congo (ISBN/Beni) at North Kivu. Her fields of interest are environmental research, development economics, biodiversity management, land-use planning, human-forest aspects (livelihoods of local communities, human-wildlife conflicts), sustainable development, wildlife inventory, gender and youth.